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Top security experts say senators behind anti-encryption bill are ‘woefully ignorant’

‘It’s like apples and sporks.’

On by Eric Geller

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U.S. tech firms warn of ‘unintended consequences’ from Senate encryption bill

The companies banded together for a strongly worded letter urging the bill’s sponsors to back down.

On by Eric Geller

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Here’s the final version of the Senate bill mandating encryption backdoors

‘No entity or individual is above the law,’ one of the bill’s sponsors said.

On by Eric Geller

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Civil-liberties groups tell Obama to oppose Senate encryption bill

‘It is beyond dispute that this bill would threaten the safety of billions of Internet users.’

On by Eric Geller

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Trade group representing tech giants slams Burr–Feinstein encryption bill

The group said the bill would ‘harm national security and put Americans at risk.’

On by Eric Geller

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EFF vows to tie up encryption ‘backdoor’ legislation in court ‘for years’

The battle over backdoors has just begun.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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U.S. senators behind ‘backdoor’ bill repeatedly voted for encryption funding

These lawmakers were for encryption before they were against it.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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iPhone unlocking court order prompts familiar battle lines in Congress

‘Court orders are not optional and Apple should comply.’

On by Eric Geller

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Sen. Feinstein’s office says no delay for Senate encryption bill

‘I don’t know where talk of a ‘delay’ comes from.’

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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Senate Intelligence Committee chairman calls for encryption legislation in 2016

Richard Burr thinks the time has come to crack down on encryption.

On by Eric Geller

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Senate will not investigate Ted Cruz following ‘classified’ gaffe

‘I don’t think national television is the place to discuss classified information.’

On by Dell Cameron

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Top House Republican wants NSA case appealed to Supreme Court

House Intel Chairman wants ‘further consideration of this matter by the courts.’

On by Eric Geller

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Senate cybersecurity bill would deal a major blow to transparency

Bill would exempt info shared with government by businesses from FOIA requirements.

On by Eric Geller

The Daily Dot