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The Morning GIF: Windsor change

Kate Middleton is expecting, and the Internet is watching.


Lorraine Murphy


Here at the Daily Dot, we swap GIF images with each other every morning. Now we’re looping you in. In the Morning GIF, we feature a popular—or just plain cool—GIF we found on Reddit, Canvas, or elsewhere on the Internet.

Congratulations to Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who have announced they are expecting a little royal. For the first time in British history, this child will be third in line to the throne behind its father, William, and grandfather Prince Charles regardless of gender, thanks to a recent feminist change in the law of primogeniture. This shunts royal heartthrob Prince “Hot Ginge” Harry to fourth in line, most likely to his vast relief.

The announcement came early in the pregnancy because the Duchess had to be admitted to hospital suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, an extreme form of morning sickness. It occurs in only about 1% of pregnant women, although (cue royal-watcher hysteria) it is more common among women carrying twins. In the history of the House of Windsor (formerly known as Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) and the House of Hanover before them, there has never been a case of twins born in the direct line of the throne.

Gawker has tried counting backward to determine where, exactly, the royal impregnation took place, and lists Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Borneo, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, and England as the possible options. While no one in the media can claim definite knowledge, it seems logical to call it for the Polynesian island of Tuvalu, if only because of this GIF from the visit. Clearly the royals were influenced by the tropical sensuality of the locale and let it move them. Whether or not the Earth also moved that night, well, nobody’s telling.

Via Royals Gone Wild/Tumblr

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