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Alec Baldwin booted from American Airlines, quits Twitter

Twitter has an alternate mile-high club for famous folks booted from airplanes: Green Day’s Billy Joe Armstrong, director Kevin Smith, and now, Alec Baldwin. 


Jordan Valinsky


Paging Liz Lemon. You have a situation to take care of: Alec Baldwin just got kicked off an American Airlines flight, according to a tweet from a fellow passenger.

“On an AA flight at LAX. Alec Baldwin removed from the plane We had to go back to the gate. Terrible that everyone had to wait,” tweeted Michael Wolf.

Another passenger, Grant Cardone, confirmed Wolf’s report and said the actor was “abusive” to the flight attendant. Cardone also joked that Baldwin didn’t have his Capitol One credit card.

Baldwin took to Twitter to give his side of the story just minutes ago.

“Flight attendant on American reamed me out 4 playing WORDS W FRIENDS while we sat at the gate, not moving. #nowonderamericaairisbankrupt,” he tweeted.

Baldwin’s name is a trending topic on Twitter with many users poking fun at the situation.

“It’s true. I was the one playing Alec Baldwin in Words With Friends. Ironically, I won with the word “airplane,” joked Johanna Cerutti.

The actor has since deactivated his Twitter account. Reporter Alex Weprin posted the following response he received from@HiltzikStrat about the decision: “@alexweprin – just focused on #30Rock for now.”

On the plus side, at least now Baldwin can say he was escorted out of AA.

Photo by David Shankbone

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