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City council candidate posts revenge porn of wife on campaign site, gets arrested

His post was reportedly in response to his wife’s restraining order against him.

Photo of Samantha Grasso

Samantha Grasso

A St. Paul city council candidate was arrested Monday after sharing a nonconsensual pornographic photo, or revenge porn, of his wife on his campaign website in response to a restraining order she filed for herself and their children.

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According to the Washington Post, David Martinez’s Ward 4 campaign blog has been taken down by website host WordPress since he posted the photo on Saturday, one day after his wife, who we are not naming out of respect for her privacy, filed a restraining order stating that Martinez was physically abusive toward her and that their children, ages 7 and 10, showed fear of him.

Police say he has been arrested for revenge porn, though the Post reports he hasn’t been charged yet and city prosecutors are reviewing the case. If charged, Martinez would face up to three years in prison and $5,000 in fines, according to Minnesota’s revenge porn laws.

The victim told another publication Saturday that she was “aware of the picture and was working with her attorney,” while the Post did not receive a response from Martinez for a request for comment.


Lou Raguse, a reporter for a local NBC affiliate, tweeted on Sunday that Martinez told him his “accounts were hacked and he no longer has access so can’t take photo down.” He also said his wife had his passwords and was sabotaging him.


WordPress has since archived and suspended Martinez’s website for violating its terms of service, though archives of the website remain online.


Martinez’s post containing the nonconsensual photo of his wife alleged that the victim “made up most” of her statement against him, and alleged that she threatened to “jeopardize” his city council campaign. The post read as follows:


Yesterday afternoon, the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Department paid me a visit at work. They presented me with a restraining order (see attached) that my wife had filed with the District Court. CRAZY!!!


[Name redacted] fabricated/made-up most of the testimony contained within the restraining order. I am shocked and amazed that someone can make up a story just so they can kick someone out of their own home……and take the kids away.


Yet another way the “system” is structured in a way where only one side wins (only one side is right)! So, I had to call for a Police escort, to my own home, so I could pick up my personal belongings.

I’m grateful that I have an amazing family and friends that have all stepped up to help me out. I will be fine. I will be renting a small apartment in Ward 4 in order to continue with the City Council campaign.


My attorney has advised me not to say anything further, but I wanted you to hear this from me. A few weeks ago, my wife said to me, “I am going to jeopardize/compromise your chances of winning the Ward 4 City Council seat!” Well, good job honey. Love you too!


P.S. Say hi to the kids for me!

Earlier this month, Martinez was arrested and banned from St. Paul public libraries and was ejected and banned from entering Target Field, where the Minnesota Twins play. According to the Pioneer Press, Martinez said he was arrested at the library on July 5 after sticking up for a Black teenager who he thought was being unfairly ejected from the facility while he was trying to do research. One day later, Martinez was asked to leave Target Field after jumping over a railing between his seating area and a concessions stand area.

H/T the Washington Post

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