Roy Moore threatened to sue, an Alabama news outlet. They responded by saying they'd love to see what comes out of discovery for the case.

Screengrab via Roy Moore for Senate/YouTube

More than 70 percent of Alabama GOP voters don’t believe Roy Moore’s accusers



Josh Katzowitz

Layer 8

Although multiple women say GOP senate candidate Roy Moore sexually assaulted them when they were minors, the vast majority of Alabama Republican voters say they don’t believe them.

According to a CBS News poll, 71 percent of voters in that state say they think all the accusations against Moore are false. Meanwhile, 17 percent say they believe the women are telling the truth.

As for who’s to blame for the Moore accusations, 92 percent of Republicans say the Democrats are the ones behind the charges and 88 percent point to the media.

Though, Moore, in this poll, has a 49-43 lead against Democratic candidate Doug Jones, the latest Washington Poll poll predicts Jones has a 50-47 advantage.

The special election for Alabama’s Senate seat is Dec. 12. The margin of error on the CBS News poll is 3.8 percent.

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