
Screengrab via YesYoureRacist/Twitter

Twitter account aims to unmask the white supremacists of Charlottesville

The account’s amoral nature has incorrectly identified more than 1 alleged white supremacist.


Ramon Ramirez


A Twitter outlaw is looking to round up all the white supremacists who marched this weekend—and make them pay for their worldview.

Following the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, which left 32-year-old paralegal Heather Heyer dead when an alleged white supremacist plowed a car through a peaceful protest on Saturday, Twitter account @YesYoureRacist is taking action. It’s asking the internet at-large to unmask those who participated in the demonstrations on behalf of online hate groups.

The account claims that it helped get one participant named Cole fired from his job. However the Twitter account’s methods are amoral to a fault—it has misidentified at least two alleged white supremacists, and an allegation that one of the “Unite the Right” march’s organizers met with Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) sparked a loud denial from the elected official.

It also tried to connect Rep. Tom Garrett (R-Va.) to one of the alleged marchers. While a photo of the two does seem legitimate, Garrett took to Fox News on Sunday and condemned the violence. He has not denied meeting with the alleged white supremacist, and NBC reports that he did. Garrett’s local and D.C. offices did not answer the phone, and his D.C. office’s voicemail is full.

Screengrab via YesYoureRacist/Twitter
Screengrab via YesYoureRacist/Twitter
Screengrab via YesYoureRacist/Twitter


The account also connected YouTube prankster and internet troll Joey Salads to the march. Salads in a YouTube video denies attending, saying that the photo of him in Nazi garb is an old one from a past prank.

H/T the Root

The Daily Dot