Women are tweeting photos of their underwear after a thong was used as evidence in a rape trial.


Women tweet photos of underwear to protest lawyer’s slut-shaming defense

‘Clothing is not consent.’


Sunny Kim


Women are sharing pictures of their underwear on Twitter after a thong was used as evidence of implied consent in a rape trial, according to CNN.

On Nov. 6, a jury in Cork, Ireland, found a 27-year-old man was found not guilty of raping a 17-year-old. Defense lawyer Elizabeth O’Connell’s final statement where she said the teenager may have been “attracted to the defendant” and “open to meeting someone” did not sit well with women.

“You have to look at the way she was dressed,” O’Connell said, according to the Irish Examiner. “She was wearing a thong with a lace front.”

People on Twitter were enraged at the claim that the teen gave implied consent with her choice of underwear. Women around the world started posting pictures of their own underwear on Twitter with hashtag #ThisIsNotConsent to point out wearing a thong doesn’t equate to consensual sex.



Susan Dillon, who started the hashtag and is part of campaign group I Believe Her, told BuzzFeed News that “clothing is not consent.”

“This kind of victim blaming is archaic and had no place in our court system,” Dillon added.

People also participated in real-life protests in Dublin, shouting “clothes are not consent” and holding up signs to show solidarity.


H/T BuzzFeed News

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