Article Lead Image has everything—even pet adoptions

This is the saddest URL on the Internet. 


Brendan O'Connor


We found it, you guys. The saddest URL on the Internet is—drumroll please—“”

It’s Overstock, but for pets. Apparently Overstock has been in the pet adoption game since March, an announcement we somehow missed.

“At Overstock™, we believe every life is valuable,” says Overstock. (A brave stance.) “That’s why we’ve figured out how to use our technology to help the lives of homeless and abandoned pets.”

Right now on, there are 3666 adoptable cats, 2689 adoptable dogs, 16 horses, and nine birds within 100 miles of me. I am in love with all of them, because every life is valuable, but I am especially in love with Luie. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately!) there are no adoptable reptiles within 100 miles of my zip code!

“We’re providing this as a public service,” Overstock says, “because a world where there are no homeless pets is a better place to be.”

Overstock claims to have facilitated 17,058 adoptions altogether. Looks like you got some competition, Craigslist.

Image via Monica Kaneko/Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Daily Dot