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Supreme Court rules anti-abortion centers can continue not informing women of their options

The First Amendment protects the right to mislead, apparently.


Samantha Grasso


Crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs), non-medical and faith-based facilities operated under the guise of assisting pregnant women with their options, are not required to to tell these women about their abortion options, the Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday.

According to the Washington Post, the 5-to-4 decision, in which the court’s conservatives ruled in favor of the crisis centers, argued that California’s requirement for crisis centers to tell their clients about the state’s services, including abortion, “likely violates the First Amendment.”

As the Daily Dot previously reported, under the state’s Reproductive Freedom, Accountability, Comprehensive Care and Transparency (FACT) Act of 2015, CPCs were required to post information inside centers disclosing that “California has public programs that provide immediate free or low-cost access to comprehensive family planning services (including all FDA-approved methods of contraception), prenatal care, and abortion for eligible women. To determine whether you qualify, contact the county social services office.” Centers operating without medical licenses nor licensed doctors needed to disclose this as well.

But under the SCOTUS ruling, CPCs, with the goal of driving pregnant people away from seeking abortion, will be allowed to continue to provide women with incomplete, false information about their pregnancy options under the guise of “free speech.”

“…Abortion [is] the very practice that petitioners [crisis pregnancy centers] are devoted to opposing. By requiring petitioners to inform women how they can obtain state-subsidized abortions—at the same time petitioners try to dissuade women from choosing that option—the licensed notice [requiring the inclusion of state services] plainly ‘alters the content’ of petitioners’ speech,” Justice Clarence Thomas, who wrote the decision, penned.

Across Twitter, reproductive rights organizations and advocates denounced the decision, stating that it prevents women from making informed decisions about their pregnancies.


The all-male majority decision, however, has been celebrated by people alleging that these clinics aren’t anti-abortion, but “pro-life,” calling the medical information required to be provided by medical doctors (but not these unlicensed centers) “advertising for the abortion industry.”

Debra Hauser, president of sex education nonprofit Advocates for Youth, said in a statement sent to the Daily Dot that the ruling was “yet another blow to truth.”

“At a time when Crisis Pregnancy Centers outnumber abortion clinics, and the president lauds ideological propaganda as fact–today’s Supreme Court decision is yet another blow to truth. The simple fact is that Crisis Pregnancy Centers offer deceptive and often unlicensed patient care, and perpetuate a culture where people are shamed for their personal healthcare choices. This ruling will only embolden fake clinics to deceive even more people,” Hauser’s statement reads.

H/T the Washington Post

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