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Seattle Seahawks receiver Doug Baldwin can’t understand support for the Confederate flag

NFL star takes to Facebook to attack the Confederate flag.


Josh Katzowitz


Doug Baldwin is an outspoken member of the Seattle Seahawks. In fact, the Seattle receiver might be one of the most interesting quotes in the entire league. He’s not afraid to question the play-calling that helped the Seahawks lose the Super Bowl to the Patriots, he’s not afraid to confront sportswriters at practice, and he’s apparently not afraid to rip on people in his hometown for having an unnatural love for the Confederate flag.

With seemingly everybody, from conservative Senate Republicans and Walmart executives to the leftiest lefties you know calling for the Confederate flag to be banished from public grounds—particularly in the state of South Carolina—Baldwin found it curious that citizens of his hometown of Pensacola, Florida, were not on the same thought bubble as even a conservative southern U.S. Senator like Lindsey Graham.

So, Baldwin attacked on his Facebook page in a pretty reasonable way.

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“A noose hanging from a rearview mirror wasn’t outside the realm of what I would see in my high school parking lot.” Wow. Considering Baldwin went to high school in the mid-2000s, that’s tough to fathom.

Either way, Baldwin has a way with words, and he makes an intelligent argument—especially for a guy who once pretended to poop out a football.

Photo via WEBN-TV/Flickr (CC BY ND 2.0)

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