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Awful people are dressing up as Ray Rice for Halloween

Janay Rice had the only response you need to hear. 


Audra Schroeder


Halloween is less than a week away, and bad decisions are already being made! More specifically, people are already dressing up as Ray Rice.

As Uproxx points out, there’s this guy, who attended a Halloween party dressed as the Baltimore Ravens player who punched out his then-fiancée Janay Rice in an elevator, complete with a blowup doll that he’s dragging around by its hair. Because abuse is a punchline. 

                                                                                                                                        Photo via Imgur 

It’s so funny, you can dress your child up as a known abuser, too.

Oh great. Who’s got large # for Child Services? RT @tchopstl @mdlamaster And also this one.

— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) October 26, 2014

And then there’s this guy’s parents, who took it next level with a blackface/black eye combo.

Blackface. DV joke. But it’s Halloween right?

— zellie (@zellieimani) October 26, 2014

And there will likely be many more, because ignorance multiplies quickly. The defenses of these costumes will likely consist of “It’s just a joke!” and “It’s just a costume, lighten up!” That way, the people dressed up as known abusers can absolve themselves of any guilt or responsibility. But those people are still equating the abuse of women with a joke.

For some reason, AFI singer Davey Havok weighed in on this issue in a TMZ video, and suggested that this costume could be “saved” if women wore it and took the “power” back. I dunno. How about nobody wears it?

Perhaps Janay Rice’s opinion should matter most.

.@TMZ it’s sad, that my suffering amuses others

— Janay Rice (@JanayRice) October 22, 2014

Lest you think adults and children dressing as Ray Rice is the most offensive costume this year, a “sexy Ebola nurse” costume also exists.

H/T Uproxx | Image via Instagram 

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