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Michelle Lee/Flickr

Woman livetweets couple’s breakup on an airplane along with photos

Did she cross the line?


Marisa Kabas


Public transportation is the muse of viral content. Conversations drift between seats and above headrests, and you never know upon whose ears—or screen—your chatter might land. One couple learned that the hard way when a fellow airplane passenger decided to share the sights and sounds accompanying their breakup.

Twitter user Kelly Keegs was waiting for her flight to take off on Sunday evening,when she overheard a fight erupting between a couple across the aisle. Like any good web denizen, she decided to document it. But not only did she livetweet their dialogue: she also included a number of photos of the man and woman.

It started with this tweet. The Daily Dot has obscured their faces to protect their identities.

Kelly Keegs/Twitter

As you can see for the retweet and favorite count, many took glee in following along with the drama that Keegs serendipitously stumbled upon.

From there, Keegs furiously shared juicy details of the emotionally charged conversation.

She even included a scenery shot and commentary to really capture the moment.

Kelly Keegs/Twitter

And then Keegs marched on.

But, as they say, all’s well that ends well. Right?

What’s worse: the fact that Keegs shared photos of the couple or that she was so gleeful about this other woman’s pain? As a human, your heart should be breaking for the girlfriend who got dumped while boarding a plane. But instead, we’re cheering on a random stranger who took it upon herself to broadcast the woman’s humiliation.

We reached out to Keegs for comment, but have not heard back.

Excellent work all around.

Photo via Michelle Lee/Flickr

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*First Published:

The Daily Dot