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Screengrab via Katie Windsor/Pinterest

These tiny superheroes are ready for Halloween thanks to NICU nurse

This NICU nurse is the real superhero here.


Nidia Cavazos


Tiny heroes and witches are taking over the NICU at Catawba Valley Medical Center in Hickory, California.

Screengrab from Katie Windsor/Pinterest

Katie Windsor, a 35-year-old nurse, has dedicated her time to making superhero costumes for the premature babies. With the help of her mother, she crocheted each and every superhero cape for the 17 babies who would be in the NICU for Halloween.

Screengrab from Katie Windsor/Pinterest

From Superman to Batman, to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, to princesses, these costumes manage to make thousands smile, including their parents.

It is not a part of her nurse duties, but Windsor always tries to do something for her little patients and their parents during the holidays.

Screengrab from Katie Windsor/Pinterest

“I’ve never had to go home and leave my baby,” Windsor told WBTV. “I just think it’s something I can do for the parents that are having to go home and leave half their heart here.”

Screengrab from Katie Windsor/Pinterest

Windsor got a lot of attention for her costumes as photos were shared and viewed by thousands on social media. She is already preparing for Christmas.


The Daily Dot