Muslim Women's Day becomes officially recognized

Photo via Muslim Girl

First-ever Muslim Women’s Day recognizes one of the most silenced minority groups in America

#MuslimWomensDay is uplifting—and, of course, full of trolls.


Audrey Browning


A new hashtag is trending on Twitter today with the intention of uplifting the voices of Muslim women, a group generally silenced, during Women’s History Month.

#MuslimWomensDay was started by the website Muslim Girl to specifically bring awareness to the resilience and strength of Muslim women in the face of criticism and bigotry based on their religion, dress, and gender. 

Not just an internet movement, even the Orlando City Council voted to officially recognize Muslim Women’s Day. “Muslim women play an integral role in the economic, cultural, and social development in our community,” the council’s proclamation reads. “The city of Orlando celebrates the diversity of its residents and is proud that Orlando is a welcoming, inclusive community.” 

Throughout the day on Twitter, #MuslimWomensDay was full of Muslim women celebrating each other, as well as others recognizing Muslim women’s power and worth.

Like all hashtags, though, dissenters and trolls have attempted to overtake it.

While the entire point of Muslim Women’s Day is for Muslim women to do the speaking, not adhering to the memo is what trolls do. Thankfully, the celebrated don’t have time for the hate.

The Daily Dot