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Is this the unluckiest motorcycle accident of all time?

Caution: Cruel fate ahead.


Miles Klee


You can’t exactly call this clip funny, as we have no idea what injuries may have been sustained during filming. But if nothing else, it surely confirms the universe’s sadistic sense of humor.

A dashboard camera captured the bizarre accident, which purportedly took place in Taiwan: Just as the vehicle in question begins to turn, it’s sideswiped by a motorcyclist who flies off his or her bike and goes scudding down the road. Unfortunately, there’s also an open manhole in play.

Will you go to hell for involuntarily gaughing (i.e., gasp-laughing) at this horrendous scene? Almost definitely. Sure beats falling into a sewer, though.

Photo by ManHole.Ca/Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)      

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