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Doug Price

Try not to cry when you see this man find out he’s about to become a dad

The Prices had been struggling to conceive for nearly half a decade.


Marisa Kabas


Doug Price and his wife have been trying to have a baby for five years. But like one in eight American couples, the Prices have struggled with infertility. They were making a video to enter a contest for a trip to Aruba, when his wife spilled the beans that they were going to have a little bean of their own.

Naturally, they both got misty-eyed, and we got misty-eyed, and now the whole world is drowning in happy tears.

Price later posted the video on YouTube. “Unfortunately we did not win the trip but I still think we got the better end of the deal,” he wrote. We think so, too. 

H/T Huffington Post | Screengrab via Doug Price/YouTube

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