Reddit AskMen

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How to avoid attracting Reddit guys

r/AskMen provides a handy guide to what they don’t find attractive.


Jaya Saxena


I never thought I’d say this, but thank you, r/AskMen!

The Telegraph brought our attention to this Reddit thread posted three months ago, which has been gaining steam recently. It asks, “What is something women thinks makes them more attractive to men while men thinks it makes them less attractive?”

It’s cute that men still think women do things solely to appeal to them—whether it’s getting lip piercings or wearing high-waisted pants. But the post secretly provides a guide on exactly how to dress and behave in order to avoid attracting men who post on r/AskMen.

Here are some tips:

• Have “obnoxiously long nails.”
• Wear “old lady perfume.”
• Talk about your past sexual partners.
• Get a septum piercing.
• Get a half-shave.
• Act dumb.
• Act “cute.”
• Act upbeat.
• Act sarcastic.
• Act confident.
• Wear eyeliner.
• Wear “too much” makeup.

• Have “overly thick eyebrows.”
• Get breast implants.
• Lie about your age.
• Either do or do not wear high heels.
• Use “words like bae and side-hustle.”
• Post a lot of selfies with duck face.
• Wait for sex.
• Wear a prom dress

Men are not a monolith, and cannot appear to make up their minds about just what is unattractive about women. But one thing’s for sure: If a woman exists, these Reddit guys will find a way to complain about her.

Maybe their problem isn’t how women are dressing. Maybe they just don’t like women. Thank you, men, for letting us detect that trend.



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