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Purple Rain: GLAAD supporters show their colors

Supporters of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) are showing their support online in a shade of purple.


Lauren Rae Orsini


Historically, Spirit Day for Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has been about wearing purple clothes. That’s changed this year with GLAAD’s new tools for social media participation.

According to GLAAD, millions have changed their Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Tumblr profile photos into purple-tinted beacons of support. Joining the crowd takes only seconds; the site provides six one-touch programs that update your profiles for you.

Spirit Day, the organization’s awareness campaign against LGBT bullying, is a global trending topic.

“It was actually easy to do,” said @BlueIllinoisDem, one of many Twitter users marveling at how simple it was to show support.

This isn’t to say that every participant is doing the bare minimum. Many tweeted about wearing purple offline or pledged to do so on Facebook. Though we found no tweets about it, perhaps a few even have volunteered their time. Of course, some criticized this method of raising awareness.

“That’s right. If you want bullying to end, all you have to do is [wear] purple! F*ck this fake activist #spiritday b*llsh*t,” tweeted one critic.

Even still, GLAAD has clearly tapped into our culture’s on-the-go mentality. Using social media tools, the organization’s blurred the barrier between busy supporters and public service — in a shade of purple.

Photo by JunkByJo

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