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Are you ready to brave the onslaught of the gift-giving season? Make ‘em smile with help from
Don’t overthink it again. No matter how good you think you are at gift giving, nothing will compare to the desires that live in the hearts of your loved ones. And because has countless offers for even the pickiest folks, onlookers will blush at the thought of calling your decision “phoned in” or “lazy.” Here’s a handful of reasons giving (and getting) a gift card is one of the best things this side of the North Pole. Heck, the South Pole too.
1) It’s whatever you want it to be.

What does a gift card buy? Well, anything. Sure, I suppose you could also give your loved ones loose cash, but that’s pretty unsightly. Also, they might think you’ve recently gone full blown Walter White in your own personal Breaking Bad situation. It’s also just a tad tacky.
There’s a better way to give your loved ones universal currency. lets you personalize Visa Gift Cards with your favorite photo and personalized message right on the card. That way, every time they swipe, they’re reminded of how much they love you. They can even be kept after they’re spent. Like a Christmas card, but way better.
2) Gift giving is a gamble.

Admit it: Buying gifts for even our closest loved ones is tenser than Minesweeper. Does aunt Cathy already have an Instant Pot? I forget, does cousin Brian love Hawaiian shirts with a burning passion, or does he want to set the island’s funky fashion a blaze? Who knows, and frankly, who has the courage to ask?
Gift cards are the opposite of a gamble. It’s the safest decision you can make during the holidays after “I should bake more jam thumbprints” or “Alexa, play that Mariah Carey Christmas song.”
3) Surprises are not as fun as you think.

We’re all too old for surprises now. And by “we,” I mean “anyone over the age of 12.” Does anyone actually enjoy surprises? Most of the time, they are bad. Like, “What did I do to deserve this The Sword in the Stone Blu-Ray” bad. It’s enough to sour the merriest holiday fan into a full-blown Grinch.
There is one exception to this rule: gift cards. Because has countless brands to choose from, you can gift everything from Home Depot to Domino’s. This way, the surprise your loved one opens up December 25 will be a welcome one.
4) Bad gifts are worse than surprises.

Surely, you’ve experienced this: A friend, family member, or perhaps even a co-worker eagerly presents you a gift. Upon unwrapping, the only thing running through your head is “not even close.” And if you know the horror of receiving a weird-smelling candle, a tacky scarf, or worst of all, low-grade cheese and sausage gift boxes, you know it’s completely avoidable. curates cards that work at a variety of stores built with different folks in mind. The Happy Guy card line is redeemable at Home Depot, Burger King, Auto Zone, and a handful of other dude-friendly stores. There are similar offerings built for ladies, brides, and even students, so they’re perfect for people you don’t know too much about, not to mention, Secret Santas and White Elephant Parties.
5) You’ll have more time this holiday season by not shopping.

The problem with shopping during the holidays is that it’s a madhouse no matter where or when you go. Between Black Friday through December 25, otherwise docile grilling dads and soccer moms transform into rowdy, mean soldiers. Who wants to enter the war zone that is the shopping mall during the holidays? Even online shopping can take a toll. You can only browse Pinterest for so many hours before going mad.
Avoid any and all conflict by staying indoors, huddling into a comfy chair with a warm cappuccino and shopping on
With brands spanning Zappos to Jiffy Lube and Nintendo to Chili’s, picking out gifts for your loved ones this holiday season will (for the first time in countless years) be a total breeze. If all else fails, a Visa Virtual Account works like cash and can be personalized a million ways from New Year’s.
Check out the massive selection at and buy your loved ones the most underrated gift ever: Making their own gift decisions.
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