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Can thousands of Facebook fans help this man reunite his with his dream girl?

Who is “Katie”? 


Gaby Dunn


In a move that is sure to have movie executives wagging their tongues, a 25-year-old man in New Zealand is claiming he may have met the love of his life one New Year’s Eve in Hong Kong, only to lose her.

Supposedly Reese McKee met a woman named “Katie” after they both got lost last New Year’s Eve. Katie was crying because she’d lost her friends and so Reese cheered her up, went drinking with her, and eventually they reconnected with her friends.

At 6am, they parted ways. All he has to go on is her name, her photo, her hometown of Washington D.C., and her request: “Find me.”

McKee says he’s been trying for the past year, but still hasn’t found her. So in the spirit of Christmas, he turned to Facebook. He’s said he wants to reunite with her just before New Year’s Eve this year. 

McKee created this Facebook page romantically called “A New Year’s Promise” with a huge photo of Katie as the header picture. It has more than 2,300 “attending.”

Today, after the media picked up his story, McKee wrote that he’s been overwhelmed by the attention.

While the main aim of this event has been to reconnect with the now infamous “Katie”, it’s also about me, finding myself and who I know I can be,” he wrote. “This is me Putting all my chips on the table because it’s go hard or go home and I am not going to give in even though the speed at which this is rolling is both exhilarating and terrifying.”

As is the Internet’s way, the story’s been going viral. 

But since hoaxes have become so prevalent (especially in the wake of the Diane in 7A incident over Thanksgiving), some are guessing “Katie” doesn’t exist. Some are saying it’s all fake, and a way to sell a spec script. One Gawker commenter wrote, “Zooey Deschanel isn’t available for shooting so we’re gonna need to put a call in to Aubrey Plaza’s people. But I’m 99% sure we can get Joseph Gorden Levitt in to read for Reese.”

Our hearts have all turned cold and Grinchy. But maybe Reese and “Katie” and the thousands trying to reuinite them will prove us wrong. Merry Christmas!

H/T Gawker / Photos via Facebook

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