
Artsy shuttle sendoff

Shuttle takes its last voyage. We commemorate with cool stuff on Etsy.

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The shuttle may have been launched for the last time today. But that doesn’t mean it needs to disappear. 

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Fortunately, for those who want to savor the 30-year-old program, there’s always Etsy, the website where crafters and vintage geeks sell their stuff.

We took a peak and found some awesome items, ranging from shuttle crayons (who couldn’t live without those) to beautiful photos. Here’s a taste of what people are selling:


An artsy shuttle launch photo

How about a custom set of shuttle sneakers?


Getting married? This custom cake topper will blast you off.

Perhaps a vinyl wall decal suits your style better?


You might prefer to salute the shuttle with a ballcap.

If you’re the creative type, here are some beads. Go make your own jewelry.


For those who are money conscious, here’s a buck. In the shape of a shuttle. Not sure why, but it’s cool.

Night time shuttle launch photo


Now you can wear the shuttle any time you want.

Don’t like what you see? Why not color your won photo with these groovy shuttle crayons.


Who could resist this game? I kind of want to play it now.




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