Erica Garner suffered a heart attack that has left her braindead.

Erica Garner/YouTube

Erica Garner suffers ‘major brain damage,’ reportedly on life support

She went into a coma on Saturday.


Josh Katzowitz


Erica Garner, the 27-year-old daughter of the man who died after being choked by New York police, is brain-dead after suffering a massive heart attack, according to the New York Daily News.

Garner suffered an asthma attack, which reportedly led to the heart attack, and has been in a coma since Saturday. Garner became a Black Lives Matter activist when her father, Eric Garner, died soon after an officer put him in a chokehold in 2014.

According to the newspaper, doctors have said Erica Garner has no chance of recovery. Her mother, Esaw Snipes, said Thursday that Garner is on life support.

“She’s not gone, she’s brain-dead,” Snipes said. “Physically she is still with us.”

Garner’s official Twitter account seems to have a slightly more optimistic point of view and says the Daily News report is not factual.

The account also retweeted the following.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who Garner endorsed during the 2016 presidential race, tweeted his support to Garner and her family.

Rev. Al Sharpton reportedly visited the family in the hospital.

“We’re here with the family every day,” Sharpton said via the Daily News. “[Erica] was a warrior. She was a real activist, she was always involved. From three years ago, she never stopped. She was always at rallies, she was always calling me—’Reverend, we’ll do this. Reverend, we’ll do that. We’ll do it your way, then I’m gonna do it different than you.’ It’s just sad to see her laying there and not the active Erica that we know.”

Garner first suffered a heart attack in August after giving birth to a boy. Her mother said that doctors told them the pregnancy had impacted her enlarged heart.

H/T New York Daily News

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