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Dating survey concludes that emoji users have more active sex lives

That little winky face is doing more for your sex life than you think.


Greg Seals


On Wednesday,’s fifth annual “Singles in America” survey confirmed what porn stars had already told us: People who use emoji in texts have more sex

According to the survey, conducted with the assistance of Dr. Helen Fisher of Rutgers University, 54 percent of singles who used emoji had sex compared to the 31 percent of singles who resisted the urge to use the cheeky ideograms. The survey polled some 5,675 single Americans in their 20s, 30s, and 40s and discovered that the more emoji someone used, the more sex they had. 

But emoji usage isn’t just an indication of someone’s sex life. All those smiley faces also serve as barometers of someone’s commitment level. The survey found that 62 percent of emoji users were ready to tie the knot compared to 31 percent for non-emoji users. Perhaps the most intriguing statistic to surface in all the polling? Women who used kiss-related emoji found it easier to achieve orgasm. 

Dr. Fisher spoke to Time to offer more insight into what all those animated pictures actually mean:

[Emoji users] want to give their texts more personality. Here we have a new technology that absolutely jeopardizes your ability to express your emotion… there is no more subtle inflection of the voice … and so we have created another way to express emotions and that is the emoji.

So if your bed is feeling a little lonely tonight, text your flirt a few rocketships, winky faces, and kissy faces. If all else fails, just search the Twitter hashtag #eggplantfriday and you’ll likely find a willing sexting partner. 

H/T Time | Photo by Greg Seals

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