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Light the candles. Summon the popcorn and blankets! Your October horrorscope has arrived with no shortage of thrills. To kick off spooky season and a month of scary movie marathons, we’re diving into Libra season with streaming film recommendations for each sign.
Note: We recommend reading the horoscope for your rising sign. You can think of this sign as your chart’s compass or “true north.” As the focal point of your astrological blueprint, it represents the ever-present energy within you that sets the tone for the life you’re destined to lead.
These horoscopes are meant to add fun and color to your month. Take what feels good to you, and leave what doesn’t.

LIBRA: The Exorcist (1973)
I’m not saying you’ll be purging parts of yourself this month, sweet Libra, but with the sun and Mercury transiting your First House of self and identity, you’ll certainly be doing some inner reflection. So why not nail the theme with The Exorcist?
With action-oriented Mars transiting your Ninth House of Spirituality this month, the power of Christ (or whatever higher power you’re into) may indeed compel you to reevaluate hidden parts of yourself. Do they align with your own goals and values? What parts of yourself are you proud of, and what traits or habits could serve to be… expelled?
No need to take any action just yet. Facing your fears during a scary movie may be just what you need to kick off a month of brave soul-searching.

SCORPIO: What Lies Beneath (2000)
In What Lies Beneath, Michelle Pfeiffer is haunted (quite literally) by her husband’s infidelity. Danger lurks ever closer in her day-to-day, touching upon issues of trust, clandestine affairs, and karmic retribution. Horrors, indeed!
A film title like this already speaks to the deep well of multitudes within you, Scorpio, but this month it’ll ring especially true. The sun and Mercury will move through your 12th House of the subconscious, which rules things that are lost or unseen, especially when it comes to love.
If you feel your mind going to dark or paranoid places during this 12th House transit, turn on a movie and watch someone else deal with it instead—and remember that this too shall pass.

SAGITTARIUS: Final Destination (2000)
Libra season will see the sun and Mercury bring light-hearted energy to your 11th House of friendships and social circles. Why not celebrate with a franchise about friends getting picked off one by one via a series of freak accidents?
A little campy, a little terrifying, Final Destination is the perfect blend of fun and frightening for a Sag like you. And, with the moon’s revved-up influence in your Ninth House of travel this month, the film’s trip-to-Europe storyline may just spark some travel inspo, too. Buckle up!

CAPRICORN: The Shining (1980)
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” will be the mantra to keep in your back pocket this month, Cap—if it’s not there already.
Libra season will highlight your 10th House of career, laying fertile ground for inspired activities such as writer’s retreats or haunted hotel caretaking in the wintery mountains of Colorado. Life will certainly call in affirming opportunities to let you do what you do best. Just be sure you’re not pouring from an empty cup.
If the to-do lists loom large, fix a drink and press play. With Venus and Neptune emanating creative energy in your Ninth and Third houses, getting lost in a movie will be just the thing to take the edge off.

AQUARIUS: Midsommar (2019)
What do you get when the sun and Mercury transit your Ninth House of travel and higher learning, while the moon gets some fiery action going in your Seventh House of relationships? A Midsommar viewing, of course!
Travel along with a dysfunctional couple and the gang as they visit their friend’s rural Sweden hometown for a midsummer festival. As the plot descends into a bizarre, full-throttle folk horror, there’s no better time to cuddle up to your bear—I mean boo—for a fright-night thrill.

PISCES: Nosferatu (1922)
Pisces have always known how to communicate without words, so a silent German horror film like Nosferatu will be right in your wheelhouse this month.
As the sun and Mercury transit your Eighth House of intimacy, October’s astrological energy will shine a compassionate light on the film’s themes of unrequited love. Venus’ cozy transit through your Seventh House of partnerships will only add to the romance, so go ahead and make a cute night out of it.
Lonely Count Orlok may not be gettin’ any, but you certainly can!

ARIES: The Sixth Sense (1999)
Libra season will light up your Seventh House of relationships this month, Aries, bestowing you with a profound effect on those around you (whether they’re physically in the room or not). Tap into these supernatural powers with a viewing of The Sixth Sense.
With Neptune hanging out in your 12th House of subconscious and metaphysical connection, you’ll be on your own frequencies of psychic-like sensitivity in the coming weeks. Don’t let your deeply impressionistic nature or the burdens of others weigh you down. Hold compassionate space for others if they need it. Just be sure you’re taking care of yourself, too.

TAURUS: Cat People (1942)
Your Scorpio sister signs usually get all the attention come October, but I know you’ve been waiting all year to get spooky, Taurus!
Snuggle up with your chosen familiar and get into Cat People, which follows a love-scorned fashion designer who is cursed to transform into a large cat in the heat of passion.
As Libra season lights up your Sixth House, which rules pets, it is quite simply the ideal time for a scary movie about cats. (And with Venus making its way through your Fifth House of Passionate Romance, this is just the flick to start Halloween date night off right.)

GEMINI: It Follows (2015)
It Follows tells the story of a young woman who is pursued by a deadly supernatural entity that passes from person to person via sex. It’s eerily on theme as the sun and Mercury transit your Fifth House of passionate romance this month. Go ahead and have some fun, but keep your wits about you!
The film is ultimately about the power of friendship, which feels even more timely as Jupiter sets off fireworks in your 11th House of social circles.
With stunning visuals, It Follows teaches a powerful lesson in reaching out for help when you’re struggling. Take note and trust that your closest pals will rise to the occasion.

CANCER: Mother! (2017)
With Libra season setting off a soft, calming glow in your Fourth House of home and family this month, there’s no better scary movie to cozy up with than Mother!
Jennifer Lawrence’s character is sure to inspire major design inspo (can we TALK about those earth tones?!) as she loses herself within the house’s impeccably designed walls, getting lost in a toxic relationship and descending further into the psychological nightmare she calls her home life.
The film’s pervasive sense of hidden motives will feel right on theme as Mars in Gemini transits your 12th House, touching on underlying trust issues or feelings of unease that lie just out of reach. This one’s a doozy, but its Cancerian themes, powerhouse performances, and gut-punching allegories will stay with you through the spooky season and beyond.

LEO: Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
You’ve never been one for gory horror movies, Leo, so why not celebrate the spooky season by stirring up some nostalgia? With the sun and Mercury transiting your Third House of siblings, a tale of three witchy sisters could not be more poignant.
Have some fun and let yourself get lost in stories from your childhood. With the moon influencing your First House throughout Libra season, your emotions will likely be right on your sleeve. Let them run amok—amok, amok, amok!

VIRGO: The Possession (2012)
I’m gonna level with you on this one, Virgo: It’s a little on the nose, but what other horror movie could best speak to Second House themes than a movie about a haunted box?
Libra season will see the sun and Mercury transit your 2nd House of possessions, wealth, and self-worth. It’s all about taking stock of what’s yours. In The Possession, what’s theirs just happens to be a yard sale antique that houses a dislocated spirit! It’s casual!
This month, you may feel the urge to clear out cupboards and take stock of all you’ve collected (emotionally and physically) over the years. Let this movie be a chilling lesson in letting go.