dog leaves behind food for friend

Screengrab via @_EasyBreasy_/Twitter

Pup who shared her food bowl still leaves half the kibble behind after other dog passes away

You’re going to need a box of tissues for this.


Monica Riese


It’s not dusty in here. I have not been cutting onions. That is not sweat. I am unashamed to admit I have tears streaming down my face as I sit at my desk and read the story of Cookie, the loving Labrador who is trying to share her food with a furry friend who’s no longer with us.

Twitter user @_EasyBreasy_ owned two Labrador retrievers, Stitch and Cookie. The elder dog, Stitch, always let Cookie have first dibs on their shared food bowl, but Cookie quickly learned to leave half the food behind so they both got breakfast. Thoughtful, right? But now Stitch has passed away, and Cookie is still lovingly leaving behind half her kibble for a friend she must still think is coming home.

Even when her human gave Cookie less food to start with (suggesting she could eat all of it, now that she doesn’t have to share), Cookie still left behind half. As the note attached to the original post reads:

“So since Stitch is gone, I’ve been feeding Cookie less food. Well before I went to bed, I wanted to check to see if she ate. And she still left half of her food there so Stitch can eat.”

See? Now you’re sobbing too.

It starts off with getting a little choked up.

But it escalates so quickly to unabashed waterworks.

Even the cat lovers on Twitter can’t control themselves.

And then you see a picture of Cookie and Stitch from back in the day:

And… I’m sorry, I just can’t.

Cookie, you are a 15/10 good doggo. I hope you find a new friend to share your food with soon.

H/T Elite Daily

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