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Dirt biker’s GoPro records crazy truck driver trying to kill him

Can’t say we would taunt this guy, but we’re sure glad someone did.


Miles Klee


Attempted vehicular homicide: It’s good for what ails you. Even if you’re the intended target, who says you can’t laugh at the guy determined to make you into roadkill? This is the life!

That seems to be the attitude of two bikers who baited and escaped a truck driver furious about the pair riding on a trail across the street from his home. After discovering that he’d laid nails along the path, “no where near his property,” the GoPro video’s uploader “tried talking to him letting him know we are just riding bye [sic] but he just cussed me out. So his solution was to get in his car follow us and then proceed to try and hit us. Just a crazy old dude.”    

All’s well that ends well, I suppose—until that maniac comes back with a stolen tank.

Photo by Baker County Tourism/Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0)

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