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What it’s like to be a ‘muse for hire’ on Craigslist

“Put on your chance pants!”


Marisa Kabas


Young lovers and dreamers often move to New York City because they’re inspired by the bright lights, the tall buildings, and the vague smell of urine. But if you find your inspiration waning, two young women on Craigslist are here to help you out.

The “kind, hilarious, adventurous, wise, silly, adorable, and slender twenty-somethings” posted the following ad under Craigslist’s Creative Services:


We caught up with the muses/adventuresses/wingwomen to get a little more info about this cryptic posting, and see if they’re for real. Short answer: It appears so.

The two ladies, who preferred to not be identified by name, are roommates working in design and comedy who met a little over a year ago on—where else?—Craigslist. They told the Daily Dot via email that they’ve “had a twin-sister-like connection ever since.”

So how did they get into this very specific line of work? “We have both been designated the ‘perfect wingwomen’ by many of our male friends, because we’re fun and friendly and very good at approaching and engaging other females,” they said in their joint response. “We’re also giant adventure hounds; we’re very good at sniffing out exciting adventures and meeting interesting characters.”

During their consultations they said they’re very clear with prospective clients about what they’re offering, likely to avoid the litany of uncomfortable situations that one could get into from posting a Craigslist ad. “Our main rules include that the client must be respectful to us and those we encounter, our time together must be spent in a public space, and the client must be willing to spread their wings and have an open mind. Other than that our services are pretty flexible. We’ve also started to take men shopping, which has been really fun and utilizes our professional backgrounds.”

They say business was slow at first, but has been picking up as of late, with out-of-towners and people new to the city looking for locals to show them the ropes. And their rate isn’t set in stone: The ladies first meet the client, get a feel for him, see what he’s looking for, and then make a judgment call. “We don’t want to shun away those with less funds,” they said.

This is New York City, so naturally they’ve had some unorthodox requests. “Our ‘craziest’ journey was probably when we had a man who wanted to be walked around as a pet, to which we happily obliged. That was a really fun night, we dressed him as a cat and took him around a few bars and some loft parties, he was petted by more pretty ladies than he could have ever dreamed!”

It’s certainly not the weirdest thing ever offered on Craigslist. Not even close. Who could forget the guy offering $175 for someone to come over and sit in a tub of ramen noodles? Or the fellow selling his beloved sex doll? Or how about the guy offering pizza in exchange for taking his couch off his hands

Remember: There’s a lid for every pot. Or in this case, two lids. If you’re looking for inspiration, they can be reached at

Photo via (PD)

The Daily Dot