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Chili soap ices community

Redditor tests community limits with iced chili.


Fernando Alfonso III


While taking a shower, have you ever been overcome by an insatiable hunger?

Don’t worry, Reddit has an answer for that: It’s called the chilisoap.

This new creation from redditor  Verb_rogue is half frozen water, half frozen chili and should be used “anytime you want to feel clean, confident, and have a little extra beefy ‘kick,’” said Verb_rogue in an e-mail interview with the Daily Dot.

The “chilisoap” was inspired by a post earlier this week on a peculiar bathing procedure that involved freezing a mixture of body wash and water. That post and the one on chilisoap, were huge hits on reddit, collecting more than 2,000 comments combined and a string of posts commenting on these peculiar forms of bathing.

Unlike the water and soap concoction, the chilisoap inspired redditor berberton to test it out on himself. In just a few easy steps, berberton froze a pack of Campbell’s instant chili, rubbed his arm with it and had his dog lick it off.

“Seeing the chili soap in action was a very special moment for me,” said Verb_rogue. “I’m glad I (inspired) someone, as well as give that dog a tasty snack.”

But not everyone liked it.

For many, it was the latest example of a precipitous drop in quality posts on the the site. It inspired at least nine redditors to commit reddit “suicide,” or in other words, delete their accounts.

“I’m sick of this site. Each comment is predictable, growing worse by the day,” wrote drfunbuster before deleting his account.  “Each person thinks they are a unique little butterfly visiting a site that millions frequent. I don’t care about you or your stupid little social life either.”

“I used to visit this website all the time because it had interesting and original content but now I find myself on it all the time even though I hate everything on it,” wrote ijustbrowse.

It’s a bit foolish for redditors to delete their accounts considering users choose what content shows up on their front page. Their protestations for better content may have been admirable, but will it change anything on a site that gets millions of visitors a month?

Probably not.

The Daily Dot