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Max Fleishman

Brock Turner gets his sentence reduced for good behavior

He also has a private jail cell.


Lyz Lenz


In a rape case that just won’t end, there’s a new twist. Brock Turner, the former Stanford student who received a jail sentence of six months after raping an unconscious woman, has now received time off for good behavior, according to the Daily Mail.

Photo via Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office

The paper reports that Turner will only serve four months of his six-month sentence; he is due to be released on September 2. The sentence was reduced because of time served and because the court believes that Turner is “unlikely to misbehave behind bars.” 

The Daily Mail also got probation documents that revealed that Turner continued to lie about the rape to his probation officer even after he was convicted. According to the documents, the Santa Clara district attorney had to intervene and warned Turner to tell the truth.

In other Turner news, he is also being held in a private cell at the Elmwood jail in Milpitas, California. Though the majority of Elmwood’s inmates have to bunk up, officials state that Turner’s situation has to do with the “nature of his crime.”

The world was outraged at Turner’s special treatment and lenient jail sentence after the victim’s statement was posted on BuzzFeed and went viral. A jury convicted Turner of the rape, but Judge Michael Aaron Persky gave Turner a light sentence, citing his lack of prior convictions. The judge was also a Stanford alumnus and had previously campaigned on his ability to protect women from violent sexual offenders.

Yet, as infuriating as Turner’s special treatment continues to be, it’s unfortunately not rare. According to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN), 97 of every 100 rapists go free for their crimes. Out of every 100 rapes, only 46 are ever reported, 12 lead to an arrest, nine will be prosecuted, five will receive a felony conviction, and only three will ever serve jail time.

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