Azealia Banks

Manfred Werner/Wikimedia Commons (CC-BY-SA)

Azealia Banks pledges to never use the slur ‘f**got’ again

Has the singer come to her senses at last?


Mary Emily O'Hara


After being banned from Twitter for the second time this May due to complaints over her racist and homophobic slur-filled rants aimed at various other users, it seems like Azealia Banks has learned a lesson.

On Friday morning, the rapper penned a lengthy apology and posted it to her Facebook page. In the apologetic tome, Banks stated that she planned to never again use the homophobic slur ‘f**got’ and had realized that her use of inflammatory language had hurt many of her fans.

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Banks had previously justified her rampant use of terms like ‘n**ger’ and ‘f**got’ as the sort-of birthright of an LGBT-identified bisexual black woman. But on Friday, she took a more personal tone and blamed her language choices on her tough upbringing on the streets of New York City.”By using those words, I paint a picture of myself that isn’t the true me. I paint the picture of my upbringings, my neighborhood, my pain, and my misfortunes,” wrote Banks on Friday. “I paint the picture of someone who is used to suppressing things, and being defensive.”

Banks’ latest Twitter beef centered around a video made by former One Direction member Zayn Malik. After Banks accused him of ripping off her style, 14-year-old Disney star Skai Jackson chimed in—prompting a feud that dominated social media for days and turned Jackson into an even bigger meme than she had already been.

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*First Published:

The Daily Dot