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Chris Brownout: Web plugin censors controversial singer

First there was Shaved Bieber. Then Nickelblock. Now there’s Chris Brownout, a Google Chrome plugin to block the singer once and for all. 


Chase Hoffberger


Chris Brown is a pretty polarizing guy. You’re either with him—and thus indubitably dubbed a member of #TeamBreezy, the unofficial Chris Brown Geek Squad that pounces on anyone who speaketh ill of the R&B stud—or you’re against him, and thus want him off your Internet immediately.

If you’re against the man, you can bet you’re not the only one. In fact, there’s a Toronto-based music blog called AUX Labs that’s so against the convicted domestic abuser that its contributors have created “Chris Brownout,” a Google Chrome plugin that will remove all text and images referencing the singer from your browser.

Think of it like AUX’s previously unveiled Nickelblock plugin for jerks who beat their girlfriends, or Free Art & Technology’s Shaved Bieber charade for guys with dumb tattoos.

“With Chris Brown’s latest obnoxious stunt—getting a tattoo of what appeared to be Rihanna’s Chris-Brown-Beaten fact on his neck (even though he denies that it’s her)—it’s become clear that he remains impulsive and unapologetic and isn’t going anywhere anytime soon,” the AUX staff wrote in a post  last week. “We here at AUX Labs took it upon ourselves to get rid of him.”


De-Chris-Browning your Internet is easy: Download Chrome (it’s lighter and faster than Firefox anyway), then pop over to the Chrome store and run a search for “Chris Brownout.” Add that sucker to Chrome, reload the browser, and enter in a search for “Chris Brown is a decent man.”

If anything shows up in the first place, at least the name will be browned (err, blued) out.

Photo via 4ourty6ix/Tumblr

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