
The Scribble pen lets you draw using any color in the world

Your shopping list is about to get a whole lot more colorful.

Photo of Mike Fenn

Mike Fenn

Article Lead Image

The future for casual artists just got a lot more colorful.

The “Scribble” pen is being marketed as an implement that goes far beyond the standard black and blue ink that most current pens are limited to. Thanks to a 16-bit RGB color sensor inside the pen, Scribble can write in any color your heart desires.

In fact, you can even replicate colors you see in your everyday life, colors that Crayola has not come up with a name for even in its famed 64-packs. Are you a fan of a certain shade of lipstick? Perhaps you’re looking for the shade of green that is only found on dollar bills. Simply hold Scribble up to these colors and scan it in. The result will be a specific color “stored” on your implement, resulting in an identically-colored ink.

Scribble pen drawing

Photo via Scribble

While Scribble is not available for sale just yet, artists and other curious parties can sign up for pre-orders. Once it does become available, it will retail for $150, with a Stylus version for smartphones or tablet writing costing an extra $80.

Just think: By this time next year, you can customize your grocery list by listing your items in appropriate colors! It’ll be difficult to forget the bacon if its red and pink color is reminding you to pick it up.

H/T Huffington Post / Photo via Scribble

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