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Conservative blogs think the 2014 election is already over

A mountain of data and predictions sets right-wing expectations high.


Patrick Howell O'Neill


The polls don’t close for hours but, for many, the 2014 midterm elections are already over.

Reacting to a wide range of predictions heavily favoring the GOP, conservative blogs are exalting in the expected Republican victories over Democrats in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. These are wins that could hand them strong control of the legislative branch and more political power than they’ve had in at least six years.

Here are the biggest right-leaning blogs in cyberspace turning Election Day into a celebration.

The Drudge Report, the original online conservative heavyweight:

Breitbart News, the massively successful right-wing Internet news operation:, one of the most popular conservative blogs online:

Washington Examiner, an influential conservative blog and magazine: 

Photo via Beth Rankin/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

The Daily Dot