The Moms Getting Drunk Tumblr proves moms can have a boozy ol’ time

‘Mommy doesn’t get drunk. She just has fun.’

Photo of Gabe Bergado

Gabe Bergado

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If Lucille Bluth’s love for vodka and Tami Taylor’s affinity for wine proved anything, it’s that moms and booze go together like tequila shots and lime slices. Now, Moms Getting Drunk wants to give all the mamas out there some inspiration for maternal-themed libations.


Offering recipes for everything from a Momosa to a Mamakaze, the hilarious website offers drink recipes for the mom who likes to have fun (maybe a little too much fun). 

Moms Getting Drunk

Website creator Chris Limbrick says he got the idea for the website back in 2012, after he made a joke to his mom and grandma while they were knocking back a few at a family dinner. “We all made a toast and I remarked, ‘Haha, look, moms getting drunk!’,” he told the Daily Dot via email. “After that I thought to myself ‘’ could make a funny website. So I purchased the domain name.”

For months, Limbrick worked with his friend Justin Hanna to launch the site. Hanna helped with the mom-pun inspired drink recipes and Limbrick used his background in design to create a mock-up for a design for the site, along with a template for each drink recipe.

Moms Getting Drunk

“Moms are hard workers and they deserve a drink at the end of the day. We shouldn’t forget that, so let’s make a toast to moms!” Limbrick said. He hopes that people (and especially moms) will try some of the recipes.

The recipes are pretty accurate, such as this one for a Mom Island Iced Tea:

Mix ingredients together over ice in a glass. Pour into a shaker and give one brisk shake. Pour back into the glass and make sure there is a touch of fizz at the top. Garnish with lemon.
1 part vodka
1 part tequila
1 part rum
1 part gin
1 part triple sec
1 ½ parts sweet and sour mix
1 splash Cola-Cola

So what does Limbrick’s own mom think about the project?

“I sent my mom a text message telling her to check out my new website, and she responded with, ‘Good Lord!’,” Limbrick said. “When I followed up to ask what she thought of the website, she responded, ‘It’s hysterical and I’m relieved that there isn’t a picture of me!’” All in all, he says, “I think she loved it.” 

So for all the boozy moms out there, treat yourself to a glass or seven of your favorite wine. But remember kiddos:


Photo via jing-a-ling/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

The Daily Dot