Author demands real pockets for girls’ clothing, quickly goes viral

Girls have things to hold too!

Photo of Ana Valens

Ana Valens

kid pockets clothing

Author Heather Kaczynski has a three-year-old daughter who loves to carry around things like “rocks and Power Rangers.” However, her daughter’s pants either have fake pockets or lack them altogether.

So in response, Kaczynski turned to Twitter on Friday, begging clothing manufacturers to create more pockets for girls. She’s since gone viral, with over 60,000 retweets and 240,000 likes on her post.

“PLEASE PUT POCKETS ON GIRLS PANTS. omg,” Kaczynski tweeted in her rallying cry.

The internet quickly agreed. Women’s clothing notoriously lacks pockets, suggesting that female fashion is designed for the viewer first and the wearer second.

By designing kids’ clothing with fake pockets, those harmful, gendered stereotypes are just being forced onto young girls as they’re growing up.

Even boys have this problem. Apparently, no one in the fashion industry realizes kids need to carry their rocks or superhero figures.

Kaczynski has since used the opportunity to promote companies that sell dresses and pants for young girls that have pockets.

Let’s just agree that everything is better with pockets: jumpsuits, lingerie, wedding dresses, shoes, even underwear.

H/T HuffPost

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