The Voices Defining Web3

The Voices Defining Web3

The Voices Defining Web3

The Voices Defining Web3

From cryptoCryptocurrency: a blockchain-based, decentralized currency that is used to make digital transactions to NFTsNFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are blockchain-backed assets that Web3 users can purchase with cryptocurrency. Many users describe NFT trading as “virtual art collecting” and can use these digital assets to interact in the metaverse using virtual or augmented reality technology, Web3—a decentralized evolution of the internet as we know it—burst into the social media tech scene this year, raking in millions for experts and puzzling others. In The Voices Defining Web3, the Daily Dot explores how this new augmented and virtual reality-based, heavily anonymizing internet can remedy some of the inequalities that life on the web has presented over the past two decades—or exacerbate them. In these stories, college NFT pros pursue crypto-based entrepreneurship, activists aim to mitigate hate speech in the metaverseMetaverse: 3D, digital world that can be interacted with using virtual or augmented reality-supported tech, and tech workers protest against a pivot to the Web3 market.

Produced by Kris Seavers / Written by Linda Hamilton, Rebekah Harding & Louise Macaraniag / Art by Jason Reed

The Daily Dot