For those unfamiliar, in 2011 a Brazilian fan site theorized that Melissa Vandella, an actress Lavigne had allegedly hired to deal with the paparazzi for her, had replaced her in 2003.

What is the Avril Lavigne conspiracy theory?

The theory goes that ever since, Vandella (pretending to be Lavigne) has needed to deny such wild accusations in her best Avril-impression voice. I admit, she’s got it down. 

Avril Lavigne addresses the conspiracy theory

Lavigne recently made her podcast debut on Alex Cooper’s “Call Me Daddy”. Naturally, the topic came up.

“I mean, it’s just funny to me, ... Like, on one end, everyone’s like, ‘Oh my God, you look the exact same, you haven’t aged a day!’ Other people are like, ‘There’s a conspiracy theory that I’m not me.'”

Host Cooper, on the other hand, wasn’t so casual about the theory. “Avril, this conspiracy theory about you is a little creepy, come on,” she said.

Avril responded, “I don’t know, it could be worse. Obviously, I am me. It’s so dumb.”