Internet Culture

Dude high-fives New Yorkers trying to hail taxis

You’ll get that ride eventually.

Miles Klee

If you’re an upbeat person facing a drought of high-fives in New York, then I’ve got good news. See all those people standing in the street, each raising one arm in a loose salute? They’re all waiting for something very specific: the chance to slap palms with a stranger.

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Sure, some may instinctively recoil at your excited approach, fearing a run-by mugging or a punch in the face from an actually insane person—but these people make up Manhattan’s sensible majority. Others will gladly share a moment of mild amusement and mutual approval.

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Now that we’ve explained that, we should really find out what those yellow cars are about.

Photo by Y’amal/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

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