Internet Culture

Donald Trump’s mysterious orb incident was predicted on Twitter last week

This is downright psychic.

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

Donald Trump with Saudi King and a glowing orb

In Donald Trump‘s 2017, we’ve long past left the surreal behind, and now are trapped in some Dadaist dream sequence, where both life and art exist on a Mobius strip of influence, with no one sure who is imitating what anymore, or whether it even matters.

Case in point: Donald Trump’s orb incident yesterday.

When the president placed his hands on a glowing sphere in Saudi Arabia, no one was sure if this was business as usual, or if the world had entered some sort of Captain America-Twin Peaks crossover episode. It’s something no one could have seen coming, and yet, one person did predict it a week ago.

That was tweeted over a week before the orb incident.

@Nice_mustard was bemused as hell this weekend.

How indeed? Twitter was perhaps even more uncomfortable about it.

Perhaps mustard put it best.

In a long line of them.

The Daily Dot