Internet Culture

Ridiculous Amazon review claims headphones blocked out noise from a stabbing

Five out of five stars.

Gabe Bergado

Amazon reviews have often become a shitshow of everything from the hilariously outrageous to just plain disturbing. Take, for example, when women with PhDs reviewed the ‘sexy PhD’ costume—or that time users took a crack at Wendy Davis’s filibuster shoes

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The latest shocking review is brought to us by headphones. Amazon customer Adam tells a “not so funny story” in his feedback for the HyperX Cloud II Gaming Headset. Five stars, would buy again, oh, and they really helped block out the sounds of someone getting stabbed in the apartment unit above him. He writes in the review:

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So, not so funny story: Someone in the apartment unit above us got STABBED. According to the cop who interviewed us, the attacker rang the upstairs doorbell, and when the guy answered the attacker forced his way in and stabbed the guy. You want to know what scary part is? I didn’t hear a thing, thanks to my amazing HyperX Cloud 2 headphones. I got them on Amazon for $99.99 (free shipping). These things work as advertised! Probably the best noise cancelling headphones I’ve ever owned. 10/10 would buy again.


Albeit horrifying, 122 of 137 people found the following review helpful. But other headphone buyers have contested Adam’s glowing praise. One commenter wrote, “I disagree. A few weeks ago a man got thrown out of the window of the apartment directly above mine, and my pair of HyperX Cloud 2 headphones was not able to cancel out the sounds of the window breaking and the man’s neighbor crying out for his friend to wake up.” 

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And another purchaser is ready to call actual bullshit on the whole situation, noting that the headphones themselves aren’t noise-canceling (though the mic is). This dude even explains that the screams and sounds of your neighbor getting stabbed isn’t even the type of noise that noise-canceling technology filters out. OK, we get it, Adam probably lied. 

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Anyway, back to playing Fallout 4.

H/T theinturnetexplorer/Tumblr | Photo via jonathan-grado/Flickr (CC BY SA 2.0)

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