
Band’s lead singer has the best response to concert heckler

This is NSFW. Very NSFW.

Rob Price

There are a few easy ways to piss people off at concerts: Spending the entire time on your phone, refusing to dance, and heckling. The only way to guarantee that everyone else has a bad time, however, is to throw things at the performers.

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During a concert by The Specials on Nov. 22, someone in the audience decided to try exactly that, lobbing a beer can at the band—but lead singer Terry Hall wasn’t having any of it. 

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Hall immediately called a halt to his set and launched into an extraordinarily foul-mouthed—and justified—tirade at his assailant, as the crowd roared approvingly.

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“Look at it this way,” the 55-year-old singer explained afterward. “Tomorrow, I’m at B&Q, I’m queuing up to pay, there’s a girl on the [expletive] cashier—and I lob a [expletive] can at her.” 

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We should commend Hall for standing up to his hecklers and refusing to take the beer can in silence. His lesson, however, was likely lost on the can-thrower, who had already been bundled out of the building by security.

H/T Reddit | Screengrab via Through The Years Terry Hall/YouTube

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