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‘SNL’ pokes fun at whitewashed casting with Oprah biopic

O’Brien does look great in a skirt suit.


Rae Votta


Saturday Night Live devised the most realistic and authentic Oprah biopic of our time, starring noted white man Mike O’Brien.

In addition to being commentary on the whitewashing of biopics of black women, as with the Zoe Saldana/Nina Simone film, the video is also a great ode to the weirdness of Oprah.

O’Brien as Oprah relives her greatest moments, gives people cars almost compulsively, and explains that she’ll always be on the cover of Oprah magazine, forever. SNL even reenacts Oprah’s nominated turn in The Color Purple with an all-white cast.

The acclaimed talk show host has yet to respond to O’Brien’s portrayal. Here’s hoping the parody ends up on her favorite thing list this year.

The Daily Dot