
Maroon 5 parody somehow manages to make ‘Animals’ even creepier

We hope no stuffed animals were harmed in the making of this video.

Rae Votta

The only way that Maroon 5’s murderous music video “Animals” could get creepier is if you add in some plush friends, a feat accomplished by a new parody video from Pop Trigger.

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Instead of Adam Levine spending time in a locker full of meat while stalking his girlfriend, Brett Erlich fills in for the Maroon 5 frontman as a guy with a plushie fetish, with the lyrics appropriately changed to be an ode to his stuffed animals like, “You’ll be in my heart, forever stuffed” and “I can’t deny my furry side.”

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This does deserve a slight NSFW warning, as the last third of the song doesn’t really hold back from just going at it with giant stuffed bears.

Erlich, who helms Viral Video Film School and is a host for Pop Trigger, is a passable Adam Levine, complete with stuffed-animal themed tattoos. We’ll never get the vision of him humping teddy bears out of our brains, though.

Screengrab via Pop Trigger/YouTube

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