On Wednesday, ABC’s sitcom Blackish aired its long-awaited November election episode, “Lemons.” The controversial and daring episode jabs at President-elect Donald Trump and explores the aftermath of his win—and it caused an uproar.
If you missed it, the episode is available for streaming on Hulu.
The @black_ishABC election episode everyone is talking about is now streaming: https://t.co/A8gvPjXF52 pic.twitter.com/mfRdrCaeuc
— Hulu (@hulu) January 12, 2017
For those unfamiliar, the show follows the trials of the Johnsons, an African-American family residing in the suburbs, struggling to navigate through their cultural identity in today’s America.
The episode, promoted with the tagline, “The election through the eyes of Blackish,” tackled real-life issues and occurrences, depicting the work place, home, and school environment in the wake of the election.
Several moments in the episode cut deep. In one scene, a white, male high school student refuses to listen after his foreign-born teacher tells him to take a seat, before leading into a “ship her back” chant supported by others in the classroom. In another, the main character and Johnson dad, Dre, is told by a co-worker that she voted for Trump, before defending her decision amid the conference room with “I’m racist? I have black friends!”
It is possible that Blackish is casting its revenge on Trump, as the president-elect has expressed animosity toward the show in the past.
How is ABC Television allowed to have a show entitled "Blackish"? Can you imagine the furor of a show, "Whiteish"! Racism at highest level?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2014
Either way, the episode is making an impact, sparking dialogue, and garnering both praise and criticism for its assertiveness and resilience in addressing the post-election atmosphere.
Tonight on #blackish we take on the election…
— Anthony Anderson (@anthonyanderson) January 11, 2017
The GIF says it all. 9:30pm e/p pic.twitter.com/1SUzZ2N0cA
Having a hard time coping with the #ObamaFarewell? So are the Johnsons! U don't wanna miss tonight's all new #blackish! https://t.co/l5yxmLlmuY
— Tracee Ellis Ross (@TraceeEllisRoss) January 11, 2017
#blackish takes on the election everyone is still talking about TONIGHT! pic.twitter.com/mgFcI9w312
— black-ish (@blackishabc) January 11, 2017
Since the election, there is a bit to think about. 🤔 #ReflectionDay #blackish pic.twitter.com/vfXzIGvEVE
— black-ish (@blackishabc) January 10, 2017
🙌🏾 @anthonyanderson's 'Blackish' monologue on Trump is the definition of must-watch TV https://t.co/74cIFDLpka pic.twitter.com/yM3nre8Mhz
— Complex (@Complex) January 12, 2017
this may be the most extraordinary episode of a sitcom ever.
— maggie murphy (@ThatMaggieM) January 12, 2017
If you aren't watching @black_ishABC you should be. Every episode is so relevant
— Steph Dellaquilla (@stephanier0623) January 12, 2017
You can stream it here.
H/T Washington Post