When your young child wants to lead the way, it’s sometimes OK for you as a parent to let him or her do so. Give your kid a shot, even if you know it probably won’t end well. This is especially true if your kid wants to be the point man (or woman) in a mirror maze.
The video below shows what can happen when such a young, innocent person boldly goes first into a hall of mirrors. The results are stunningly predictable.
Did you laugh when the poor little boy smacked into the barrier and then took a couple of dazed steps backward? That’s OK. Many of us—including this boy’s parents—were with you there.
That’s what’s great about mirror mazes. You absolutely know somebody is going to walk into a wall. The challenge, aside from not smooshing your own face on some glass, is trying to hold in your laughter when somebody else does.
Photo via Michael Ocampo/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)