
TikTokers are showing girls how to protect drinks from getting spiked at the bar

It’s frighteningly easy to spike a drink—and crucial to protect yourself and others.

Photo of Bryan Rolli

Bryan Rolli

TikTok drink spike trend

TikTok users have been demonstrating how to protect their drinks from getting spiked at the bar as part of a new trend. 

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Set to the “no way” part of Kendrick Lamar’s “Money Trees,” the videos recreate various scenarios in which a person’s drink could be compromised at a bar, and how the drink holder or their friends can prevent it from happening. 

TikTok user @enoughliv created the trend last month, BuzzFeed reports. In the video, she pantomimes asking a friend to hold her drink as she goes to the bathroom. She also pantomimes a guy offering to hold the drink for her, then cuts back to the perspective of the friend and barks ferociously at the guy. The video has received over 4.7 million views.

Since then, tons of TikTok users have followed @enoughliv’s lead, creating viral videos in which they pretend to scare off creepy dudes at the bar by yelling, making weird faces, and, in one hilarious case, shoving an entire bottle in their mouth.

TikToker Mel Hall (@renaissancewomanhood), a stage and production manager, also made a viral video last month demonstrating how easy it is to spike somebody’s drink at a bar. She pretends to “accidentally” brush up against a drink and discreetly plunks five popcorn kernels into the glass.

Hall made the video in response to TikTok user @ivanp2020, who asked, “How can I not notice it [a drink being spiked]… if ur holding the drink??? I know to never leave the drink unattended, but this makes no sense.”

“I’ve never done that before, and it took me two minutes of practice, and I now have five kernels in the bottom of this glass,” Hall said at the end of her video. 

TikToker Stephanie Tavares (@solooosteph) stressed the importance of looking out for your friends at the bar with her own viral video. “Last year 2 men bought my girlfriend & I drinks. I drank it, she didn’t,” the video reads. The clip then cuts to “5 mins later,” and Tavares is sprawled across the floor with a drink in her hand.


This trend is funny, but this issue is serious! #fyp #viral #protecteachother

♬ Money Trees – Kendrick Lamar

Tavares’ video ends with a simple but universal message: “PROTECT EACH OTHER.”

The Daily Dot