Internet Culture

You’ll be exhausted watching this mom put her triplets and toddler to bed

She must be Supermom.

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

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Raising one child is a tough job that leaves you sleepless, confused, and constantly feeling like you’re an ill-prepared character in an always-complicated, never-ending movie scene.

Raising two kids at the same time only complicates the matter, and those families lucky enough to have three kids running around the house are probably always living in a state of chaos.

But trying to raise 8-month-old triplets and a 2-year-old toddler seems like a job that only Supermom could accomplish. And apparently Corrie-Lynn Whyte is that Supermom, as evidenced by a time-lapse video she posted of her trying to corral all of her kids onto the bed and put them in their pajamas.

Naturally, chaos ensued. But it wasn’t anything Whyte couldn’t handle—and more than 63 million Facebook video views later, it’s clear that she has plenty of new admirers around the world.

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“The hardest part was making sure they don’t fall off the bed,” Whyte told CTV News Channel.

She also said that the babies were happy and pleasant to deal with, and judging by their smiles—at each other and at their big sister—in the video, we believe it.

Someecards compared the video to one of Charlie Chaplin’s silent films, but to me, it seems more like a non-sleazy Benny Hill short combined with the Marx Brothers in a stateroom.

Either way, it’s an amazing performance by Whyte, who certainly deserves a full night’s sleep after her work is done. Or at least three hours uninterrupted.

H/T SomeecardsThe Babygang/Facebook

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