
Thief returns car, presumably after reading the nice note in the glove box

It’s easier to get your stolen car back with honey, not vinegar.

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

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Turns out that the person who steals your car isn’t always such a terrible dude. OK, that’s not quite accurate. Somebody who takes your possessions is usually an awful person. But occasionally—and probably very occasionally—that thief finds a reason to grow a conscience and returns an object that was not rightfully his.

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That’s only one lesson to be learned from this story. The other lesson is that writing a nice note to somebody is usually a good idea.

Case in point:

Reddit user mfiasco apparently has had her Honda stolen on a few occasions, enough so that she left what she called a “snarky note” in the glove compartment of her car in case it was nabbed again.


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Here’s the envelope in which mfiasco left the note to make it obvious.


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And in case you don’t believe mfiasco that this really happened in the way she said it did, this is what she posted on Facebook in 2013.


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But it’s not always just low-level, nameless thieves who show a little bit of compassion for their victims. Some of the most famous felons do, as well. From a recent New York Times story on how Mexican drug lord El Chapo was captured:


He and his top lieutenant commandeered a white Volkswagen from a passing motorist, but only a few blocks later, the car became engulfed in smoke, witnesses said. Desperate for another vehicle, the two men spotted a red Ford Focus at a traffic light, driven by a woman with her daughter and 5-year-old grandson.

“Get out of the car now,” said the lieutenant, his weapon trained on the woman as he lifted the door handle, witnesses said. She complied, prying the child from the back seat and leaving her belongings in the car. Politely, the lieutenant handed over her purse before speeding off.

All, though, isn’t necessarily right with mfiasco’s world. She said that her registration was stolen, meaning that the thief now has access to her home address. But mfiasco chose to look at it in a positive fashion.

“Maybe,” she wrote, “they’ll stop by for a beer.”

H/T Mashable | Photo via Timo Newton-Syms/Flickr (CC BY SA 2.0)

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