Internet Culture

This man’s tweet about shaking hands with a woman is getting absolutely roasted

I keep my sword concealed in the folds of my petticoat.

Nahila Bonfiglio

Sometimes, the only way to go viral is to say something absurd.

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Such is the case for Twitter user RAMZPAUL, who Monday penned a heavily criticized tweet. “Shaking hands with a woman is like shaking hands with a child,” the DIY YouTuber wrote. “The handshake was designed as a greeting between men to show that your sword hand was empty. Almost all women now greet with a quick hug in informal situations.”

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Oh, honey.

People have been discussing hugging women versus shaking hands with women this week in light of the misconduct allegations against Joe Biden, accused on Friday of inappropriately touching a female colleague, and RAMZPAUL seems to have offered a baffling defense of the former vice president’s alleged actions. RAMZPAUL does not explain why it is OK in his book to shake hands with a man if the gesture is so antiquated.

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As of this writing, RAMZPAUL, who offers frequent racist tweets about immigration, sexist tweets, and retweets conspiracy theorists, remains “verified” on Twitter.

In no time, the tweet was getting roasted by people from every corner of the internet. Many of them made jokes about women handling swords.

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A lot of people, mostly women, explained exactly what would happen if a stranger tried to give them a “quick hug.”

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There were quite a few people who were concerned.

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Other people just took the opportunity to soundly roast RAMZPAUL and his injudicious tweet.

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A few people theorized that the original tweet was an April Fools’ joke, but based on his past tweets it seems unlikely. A quick perusal through his Twitter page shows that RAMZPAUL is no stranger to fringe behavioral theories.

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As of press time, RAMZPAUL had taken to criticizing a woman for being romantically involved with an “immigrant.”


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