When you’re at a sporting event, it’s incumbent upon you, the fan, to be aware of your surroundings. A baseball could come flying at you when you’ve got your back turned to get a beer. A hockey puck could come blasting at you from an errant slapshot. A 6-foot-10, 300-pound NBA player could, at any moment, crash-land into your lap to save the basketball.
But you need to be doubly aware if you’ve got a bucket of popcorn. Because when your head is turned, anybody could come and pilfer a few pieces. A ballplayer, another ballplayer, a basketball player, or even a future president.
Or, worst of all, a two-year-old who thinks she’s so sneaky at stealing your snack that she can just brazenly do it right under your nose. Even if you’re a goddamn English prince.
Great shot as toddler steals Prince Harry's popcorn. 2 yo Emily is daughter of @InvictusToronto supporter @leglessBDH pic.twitter.com/E55jEb7mNB
— Ben (@benenglanditv) September 27, 2017
After about 30 seconds, Prince Harry finally notices that some of his popcorn is going down the wrong person’s gullet, and he wisely moves the tub out of harm’s way. He, of course, is just fooling around. And soon, he just starts handing her the popcorn, ultimately validating her thievery and letting her know that it’s OK to take other people’s property without permission.
Either that, or she’s just so damn cute that you feel compelled to give her whatever she wants. Which, in this case, is perfectly fine.
A toddler takes popcorn from Prince Harry during the #InvictusGames. What happens when he realises what's going on? https://t.co/XKV051JCx8 pic.twitter.com/SX975rSipp
— ITV News (@itvnews) September 28, 2017
According to Today.com, that’s two-year-old Emily Henson, and they were watching a U.K. volleyball match at the Invictus Games in Toronto.
Luckily, Prince Harry is far down the line of succession from ever becoming the king of England. Because if his royal administration skills are anything like his abilities to defend his popcorn from a kid, the U.K. might be in real trouble.
H/T Mashable